Write for Us

Join Our Finance Contributor Community at PercentageCalculatorsHub.com


We're thrilled to see your interest in sharing your expertise on our platform. PercentageCalculatorsHub.com is dedicated to providing valuable insights, strategies, and best practices in the realm of finance and percentage calculations, aiming to assist students, financial analysts, and anyone interested in mastering the art of percentages.  


We are on the lookout for passionate and knowledgeable contributors who can share their expertise, experiences, and perspectives on a variety of topics related to finance, mathematics, and percentage calculations.


If you have a knack for writing and a deep understanding of the latest methodologies, tools, and techniques in finance and percentage calculations, we would be excited to collaborate with you. Just send us an email at info@percentagecalculatorshub.com



Why Write for Us/Contribute to Our Blog?



  • Expand Your Reach: By contributing to our website, you'll have the opportunity to connect with a broad and engaged audience of finance and math enthusiasts. Your contributions will be featured on our platform and shared across our social media channels, allowing you to showcase your expertise and grow your personal brand.


  • Network with Professionals: Our community includes leading financial experts, educators, and influencers. Joining our network allows you to make valuable connections, collaborate on projects, and share ideas with peers.


  • Enhance Your Portfolio: Writing for our site enables you to build a portfolio of published work, boosting your credibility and opening doors to future opportunities in writing, consulting, or financial analysis.



Topics We’re Interested In



We're seeking high-quality, original articles covering a wide range of topics related to finance, mathematics, and specifically percentage calculations. Topics may include, but are not limited to:


  • Percentage Calculation Techniques: Tips and tricks for accurate and efficient percentage calculations, including common pitfalls to avoid.


  • Financial Planning and Analysis: Strategies for using percentage calculations in budgeting, investment analysis, and financial forecasting.


  • Educational Guides: Step-by-step tutorials and guides for students and professionals looking to improve their mathematical skills.


  • Tool Reviews: Insights and reviews of the latest financial calculators and software, focusing on features that assist with percentage calculations.


  • Case Studies: Real-world examples of how percentage calculations can be applied in financial analysis, market research, and other areas.


  • Emerging Trends: Analysis of new trends in finance and education that impact the use of percentage calculations.


Submission Requirements

To ensure your article aligns with our site's focus and maintains high quality, please adhere to the following submission guidelines:


  • Original Content: All submissions must be original, not previously published elsewhere. We do not accept plagiarized or repurposed content. Your article should be well-researched and provide valuable insights to our readers.


  • Word Count: We prefer comprehensive and detailed articles with a minimum word count of 800 words.


  • Structure: Organize your article with headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs for readability. Include relevant images, charts, or infographics to support your points and enhance visual appeal.


  • External Links: You may include relevant external links to authoritative sources for further reading or evidence. However, please avoid affiliate links or excessive self-promotion.



Get in Touch


Please send your questions and submissions to info@percentagecalculatorshub.com

We're excited about the possibility of working together to enrich our community with your knowledge and insights on percentage calculations and finance.