Percentage Difference Calculator

\[ \dfrac{|V_1-V_2|}{\left[\dfrac{(V_1+V_2)}{2}\right]}\times100 = \; ?\]
Difference between V1 and V2


To find the percentage difference between two numbers, we first need to find the absolute difference between them. In this case, the absolute difference between 97 and 130 is 33 (130 - 97 = 33).

Next, we need to find what percentage this difference represents in relation to the original number. To do this, we divide the absolute difference by the average of the two numbers and then multiply by 100. So, in this case, the average of 97 and 130 is (97 + 130) / 2 = 113.5. Dividing the absolute difference of 33 by 113.5 and multiplying by 100 gives us a percentage difference of approximately 29.06%.

Therefore, the percentage difference between 97 and 130 is approximately 29.06%. This means that 130 is about 29.06% greater than 97.