Percentage Difference Calculator

\[ \dfrac{|V_1-V_2|}{\left[\dfrac{(V_1+V_2)}{2}\right]}\times100 = \; ?\]
Difference between V1 and V2


The percentage difference between 35 and 5 is calculated by finding the absolute difference between the two numbers, which is 30, and then dividing it by the average of the two numbers, which is (35+5)/2 = 20. This gives us a result of 1.5, which we then multiply by 100 to get the percentage difference. Therefore, the percentage difference between 35 and 5 is 150%.

To understand this concept better, let's break it down. Percentage difference is a way to measure the difference between two values as a percentage of their average. In this case, we are comparing 35 and 5, which have a difference of 30. However, just knowing the difference is not enough to understand the significance of this difference.

To put it into perspective, we need to compare it to the average of the two values, which is 20. By dividing the difference of 30 by the average of 20, we get a ratio of 1.5. This means that the difference between 35 and 5 is 1.5 times the average of the two values.

To convert this ratio into a percentage, we multiply it by 100. Therefore, the percentage difference between 35 and 5 is 150%. This means that 35 is 150% greater than 5, or that 5 is 66.67% less than 35.

In summary, the percentage difference between 35 and 5 is a way to measure the difference between two values as a percentage of their average. It is calculated by finding the absolute difference between the two values, dividing it by their average, and then multiplying the result by 100.