To understand the percentage difference between 29 and 30, we first need to understand what percentage difference means. Percentage difference is a way to measure the difference between two values as a percentage of one of the values. In this case, we are comparing 29 and 30.
To calculate the percentage difference between 29 and 30, we first need to find the absolute difference between the two values. The absolute difference is simply the difference between the two values without considering whether one is greater than the other. In this case, the absolute difference between 29 and 30 is 1.
Next, we need to find the average of the two values. The average of 29 and 30 is (29+30)/2 = 29.5.
Now, we can calculate the percentage difference by dividing the absolute difference by the average and multiplying by 100. So, the percentage difference between 29 and 30 is:
|29-30| / 29.5 x 100 = 3.39%
Therefore, the percentage difference between 29 and 30 is 3.39%. This means that 30 is 3.39% greater than 29.