Percentage Difference Calculator

\[ \dfrac{|V_1-V_2|}{\left[\dfrac{(V_1+V_2)}{2}\right]}\times100 = \; ?\]
Difference between V1 and V2


To find the percentage difference between two numbers, we first need to find the absolute difference between them. In this case, the absolute difference between 180 and 65 is 115.

Next, we need to find what percentage of the original number the absolute difference represents. To do this, we divide the absolute difference by the original number (in this case, 180) and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

So, the percentage difference between 180 and 65 is:

(115/180) x 100 = 63.89%

This means that 63.89% of 180 is equal to the absolute difference between 180 and 65. In other words, 115 is 63.89% of 180.