Percentage Change Calculator

\[ \dfrac{(V_2-V_1)}{|V_1|} \times 100 \]
Percentage Change between V1 and V2


To find the percentage change from 60 to 80, we need to first calculate the difference between the two numbers.

Let's break down the problem step-by-step and see how to answer this problem: 


Step 1: Determine the initial value.

First, let's identify the initial value. In this case, the initial value is 60.


Step 2: Determine the final value.

Now, let's find the final value, which is 80.


Step 3: Calculate the increase in value.

To find the increase, subtract the initial value from the final value:

Increase = Final Value - Initial Value


Increase = 80 - 60


Step 4: Calculate the percent increase.

To calculate the percent increase, divide the increase by the initial value and multiply by 100:

Percent Increase = (Increase / Initial Value) * 100


Percent Increase = (20 / 60) * 100


Step 5: Simplify the fraction (if necessary).

Let's simplify the fraction 20/60. Both the numerator and denominator are divisible by 20, so we get:

Percent Increase = (1 / 3) * 100


Step 6: Calculate the percent.

Now, let's calculate the percent increase using a calculator or by dividing and multiplying:

Percent Increase = (0.3333) * 100


Percent Increase = 33.33%


So, the percent increase from 60 to 80 is 33.33%.


Let’s look at more examples and see how percentage change is calculated.


Example 1: Price Increase

Suppose the price of a product was initially $50, and it increased to $70. What is the percentage increase in price?


Step 1: Determine the initial value.

The initial price is $50.


Step 2: Determine the final value.

The final price is $70.


Step 3: Calculate the increase in value.

Increase = Final Value - Initial Value

Increase = $70 - $50

Increase = $20


Step 4: Calculate the percent increase.

Percent Increase = (Increase / Initial Value) * 100

Percent Increase = ($20 / $50) * 100

Percent Increase = 0.4 * 100

Percent Increase = 40%


Therefore, the price of the product increased by 40%.


Example 2: Test Score Improvement

Suppose a student scored 60% on a math test and improved to 80% on the next test. What is the percentage increase in the test score?


Step 1: Determine the initial value.

The initial test score was 60%.


Step 2: Determine the final value.

The improved test score is 80%.


Step 3: Calculate the increase in value.

Increase = Final Value - Initial Value

Increase = 80% - 60%

Increase = 20%


Step 4: Calculate the percent increase.

Percent Increase = (Increase / Initial Value) * 100

Percent Increase = (20% / 60%) * 100

Percent Increase = 0.3333 * 100

Percent Increase = 33.33%


Therefore, the student's test score increased by 33.33%.


These examples demonstrate how percent increase can be applied in different scenarios, such as price increases or improvements in test scores. By following the step-by-step approach, you can calculate the percent increase between two values.


It's worth noting that when dealing with percent increase, it's crucial to consider the starting value and the final value. 


This distinction is important because the same increase relative to a smaller initial value may result in a higher percentage increase compared to the same increase relative to a larger initial value.