Percentage Change Calculator

\[ \dfrac{(V_2-V_1)}{|V_1|} \times 100 \]
Percentage Change between V1 and V2


To find the percentage change from 50 to 35, we need to first calculate the difference between the two numbers.

Let's break down the problem of finding the percent decrease from 50 to 35 step by step.


Step 1: Understand the Problem

The problem is asking us to determine the percent decrease from 50 to 35. In other words, we need to find out how much 35 is decreased compared to 50, expressed as a percentage.


Step 2: Calculate the Difference

To find the decrease, we need to calculate the difference between the original value (50) and the final value (35). We subtract the final value from the original value:


Difference = Original Value - Final Value

Difference = 50 - 35

Difference = 15


Step 3: Find the Percent Decrease

To find the percent decrease, we need to express the difference as a percentage of the original value. We use the following formula:


Percent Decrease = (Difference / Original Value) * 100


Plugging in the values we found:


Percent Decrease = (15 / 50) * 100

Percent Decrease = 0.3 * 100

Percent Decrease = 30


Step 4: Interpret the Result

The percent decrease from 50 to 35 is 30%. This means that the final value (35) is 30% less than the original value (50).


So, in summary, the percent decrease from 50 to 35 is 30%. This indicates that 35 is 30% less than 50.


​​To solidify your understanding of percent decrease, it's essential to practice solving similar problems. 


Additionally, exploring related topics such as percent increase and applying them in various contexts will help reinforce your understanding of percentages.


Here are some more examples of percentage decrease:


Problem 1: A laptop is initially priced at $800. During a sale, the price is decreased by 20%. What is the new price of the laptop?



Step 1: Calculate the amount of decrease. Amount of decrease = 20% of $800 = 0.20 * $800 = $160


Step 2: Subtract the amount of decrease from the original price. New price = $800 - $160 = $640


Therefore, the new price of the laptop after a 20% decrease is $640.


Problem 2: The population of a city was 500,000 people last year. This year, the population decreased by 10%. What is the current population of the city?



Step 1: Calculate the amount of decrease. Amount of decrease = 10% of 500,000 = 0.10 * 500,000 = 50,000


Step 2: Subtract the amount of decrease from the original population. Current population = 500,000 - 50,000 = 450,000


Hence, the current population of the city after a 10% decrease is 450,000 people.