Percentage Change Calculator

\[ \dfrac{(V_2-V_1)}{|V_1|} \times 100 \]
Percentage Change between V1 and V2


To find the percentage change from 35 to 30, we need to first calculate the difference between the two numbers.


  1. Identify the Initial and Final Values


The initial value is 35 because that's the original amount, what you're starting with. The final value is 30 because that's where we end up.


        2. Calculate the Difference


Subtract the final value from the initial value. This is the opposite of what we did in the case of a percent increase. So in this case, you do 35 (initial value) - 30 (final value) = 5. This gives us the amount of decrease.


       3. Find the Percent Decrease


To find the percent decrease, you need to divide the amount of decrease by the original number, and then multiply by 100 to convert it into a percentage. In other words, the formula for the percent decrease is:


% Decrease = (Decrease / Original number) * 100


In our case, the decrease is 5 (from step 2) and the original number is 35.


Let's plug these values into our formula:


% Decrease = (5 / 35) * 100


Simplifying this gives us approximately 14.29%.


So, there's approximately a 14.29% decrease from 35 to 30. This means that 30 is 14.29% less than 35. In other words, if we start with 35 and decrease it by approximately 14.29% of its value (which is 5), we end up with 30.


Let's continue by practicing this process with a couple more examples. This will provide you with a good understanding of the concept.


Example 1:

Let's say you have a book that was originally $40 but now it's on sale for $32. What's the percent decrease?


Identify the Initial and Final Values


The initial value here is $40, and the final value is $32.


Calculate the Difference


The difference between the initial and final values is $40 - $32 = $8. This is the amount of decrease.


Find the Percent Decrease


Now, use the percent decrease formula: (Decrease / Original number) * 100


% Decrease = (8 / 40) * 100


Simplifying this gives us 20%.


So, the price of the book has decreased by 20%.


Example 2:

Your weight was initially 200 lbs, but after some diet and exercise, it's now 180 lbs. What's the percent decrease?


Identify the Initial and Final Values


Initially, your weight was 200 lbs. Your weight after the diet and exercise is 180 lbs.


Calculate the Difference


The difference between the initial and final values is 200 lbs - 180 lbs = 20 lbs.


Find the Percent Decrease


Use the percent decrease formula: (Decrease / Original number) * 100


% Decrease = (20 / 200) * 100


Simplifying this gives us 10%.


So, your weight has decreased by 10% after the diet and exercise.


Percentage decrease is a widely used concept in various fields such as finance, science, economics, and statistics. 


For instance, it's used to calculate the change in population, decrease in sales, reduction in investment values, or even to measure how much one's weight has decreased over time!


In essence, percentage decrease is a valuable mathematical concept that helps us quantify and understand changes in a meaningful and relative way.