Percentage Change Calculator

\[ \dfrac{(V_2-V_1)}{|V_1|} \times 100 \]
Percentage Change between V1 and V2


To find the percentage change from 300 to 350, we need to first calculate the difference between the two numbers.

Here is a stepy by step approach - 

Step 1: Determine the initial value, which is 300.

Step 2: Identify the final value, which is 350.

Step 3: Calculate the difference between the final and initial values to find the increase. In this case, it is 350 - 300 = 50.

Step 4: To express the increase as a percentage, divide the increase by the initial value and multiply by 100. So, (50 / 300) * 100 = 0.1667 * 100 = 16.67%.


Therefore, the percent increase from 300 to 350 is 16.67%.


In our example, we were given an initial value of 300 and a final value of 350. By following the step-by-step approach, we calculated the percent increase to be 16.67%.


This means that the quantity increased by 16.67% relative to its initial value. In other words, it experienced a significant growth or expansion.


It's worth noting that when dealing with percent increase, the starting value and the final value are essential factors to consider. T


The same increase relative to a smaller initial value may result in a higher percentage increase compared to the same increase relative to a larger initial value.


Let’s look at more examples:


Example 1: Price Increase

Let's say the price of a product was initially $50, and it increased to $70. What is the percent increase in price?


Step 1: Determine the initial value.

The initial price is $50.


Step 2: Determine the final value.

The final price is $70.


Step 3: Calculate the increase in value.

Increase = Final Value - Initial Value

Increase = $70 - $50

Increase = $20


Step 4: Calculate the percent increase.

Percent Increase = (Increase / Initial Value) * 100

Percent Increase = ($20 / $50) * 100

Percent Increase = 0.4 * 100

Percent Increase = 40%


Therefore, the price of the product increased by 40%.


Example 2: Test Score Improvement

Suppose a student scored 60% on a math test and improved to 80% on the next test. What is the percent increase in the test score?


Step 1: Determine the initial value.

The initial test score was 60%.


Step 2: Determine the final value.

The improved test score is 80%.


Step 3: Calculate the increase in value.

Increase = Final Value - Initial Value

Increase = 80% - 60%

Increase = 20%


Step 4: Calculate the percent increase.

Percent Increase = (Increase / Initial Value) * 100

Percent Increase = (20% / 60%) * 100

Percent Increase = 0.3333 * 100

Percent Increase = 33.33%


Therefore, the student's test score increased by 33.33%.


Example 3: Population Growth

Suppose a town had a population of 10,000 people five years ago, and now it has grown to 15,000 people. What is the percent increase in population?


Step 1: Determine the initial value.

The initial population is 10,000.


Step 2: Determine the final value.

The current population is 15,000.


Step 3: Calculate the increase in value.

Increase = Final Value - Initial Value

Increase = 15,000 - 10,000

Increase = 5,000


Step 4: Calculate the percent increase.

Percent Increase = (Increase / Initial Value) * 100

Percent Increase = (5,000 / 10,000) * 100

Percent Increase = 0.5 * 100

Percent Increase = 50%


Therefore, the population has increased by 50% over the past five years. 


By following the step-by-step approach we used here, you can calculate the percent increase between any two values.