Fraction To-percent

Fraction to Percent Calculator

Created by : Shivam midha


What you will learn from this article  - 


  • Understanding Fraction to Percent Formula
  • Calculating Fraction to Percent Formula : Detailed Examples
  • Overcoming Common Challenges in  Fraction to Percent Calculation
  • Applying Fraction to Percent Formula  in Various Scenarios


Understanding Fraction to Percent Formula


To convert a fraction to a percentage, you need to multiply the fraction by 100 and add the percentage symbol “%” to represent per hundred. The percentage symbol indicates that the result is expressed as a proportion of 100.


The formula to convert a fraction to a percentage is:


Percentage = (Fraction × 100)%


Here is the step by step explanation:


1.Take the fraction you want to convert and multiply it by 100. The reason for this is that a percentage represents a number out of 100. So, when you multiply a fraction by 100, you are essentially finding what that fraction is out of 100.


2.Add the percentage symbol "%" after the result of step 1. This symbol represents per hundred, which is what percentage means.




Let's say you have the fraction 2/5 that you want to convert to a percentage.


Multiply the fraction by 100: 2/5 × 100 = 40.


Add the percentage symbol: 40%


So, the fraction 2/5 is equal to 40%.


Calculating Fraction to Percent Formula : Detailed Examples


Here are three examples with detailed solutions:


Example 1:


You want to calculate the percentage of students who passed an exam out of a class of 40 students. If 30 students passed the exam, what percentage of the students passed the exam?




  1. Express the number of students who passed the exam as a fraction of the total number of students in the class: 30/40
  2. Multiply the fraction by 100: 30/40 × 100 = 75
  3. Add the percentage symbol: 75%

So, 75% of the students passed the exam.


Example 2:


A baker has 500 g of flour and uses 250 g of it to make a cake. What is the fraction of flour used to make the cake, and what percentage of the flour was used to make the cake?




  1. Express the amount of flour used as a fraction of the total amount of flour: 250/500
  2. Multiply the fraction by 100: 250/500 × 100 = 50
  3. Add the percentage symbol: 50%

So, 50% of the flour was used to make the cake.


Example 3:


A company has a total of 100 employees, and 40 of them are women. What fraction of the employees are women, and what percentage of the employees are women?




  1. Express the number of women employees as a fraction of the total number of employees: 40/100
  2. Multiply the fraction by 100: 40/100 × 100 = 40
  3. Add the percentage symbol: 40%

So, 40% of the employees are women.


The fraction to percentage formula can be used in various business contexts to help with calculations, comparisons, and decision-making. Some examples of how the formula can be used are:


1. Market Share: The formula can be used to calculate the market share of a company as a percentage of the total market. The market share can then be used to compare the company's performance with its competitors and to identify areas for improvement.


2.Sales: The formula can be used to calculate a company's sales as a percentage of the total sales in the industry. This can be useful for analyzing the company's growth and determining the market trends.


3.Budget Allocation: The formula can be used to calculate the budget allocation for a department as a percentage of the total budget. This can help managers make informed decisions about resource allocation and prioritize spending.


4.Employee Turnover: The formula can be used to calculate the employee turnover rate as a percentage of the total employees. This can help HR departments identify the reasons for high turnover and implement strategies to reduce it.


Here are a few examples of converting fractions to percentages in various business contexts:


Example 1: Market Share


A company has a market share of 1/5 of the total market. To calculate the market share as a percentage, the fraction can be converted to a percentage using the formula:


Percentage = (Fraction × 100)%


Market share as a percentage = (1/5 × 100)% = 20%


Example 2: Sales


A company's sales are 1/3 of the total sales in the industry. To calculate the company's sales as a percentage, the fraction can be converted to a percentage using the formula:


Percentage = (Fraction × 100)%


Company's sales as a percentage = (1/3 × 100)% = 33.33%


Example 3: Budget Allocation


A department has a budget allocation of 2/5 of the total budget. To calculate the budget allocation as a percentage, the fraction can be converted to a percentage using the formula:


Percentage = (Fraction × 100)%


Department's budget allocation as a percentage = (2/5 × 100)% = 40%


Example 4: Employee Turnover


If 1/4 of the employees in a company leave in a year, to calculate the employee turnover as a percentage, the fraction can be converted to a percentage using the formula:


Percentage = (Fraction × 100)%


Employee turnover as a percentage = (1/4 × 100)% = 25%


These are just a few examples of how the fraction to percentage formula can be used in various business contexts to convert fractions to percentages.


Overcoming Common Challenges in Fraction to Percentage Conversion


Here are some common traps and errors in calculating the fraction to percent formula and their examples:


Mixing up numerator and denominator: 


One common mistake is to mix up the numerator and denominator of the fraction. To avoid this, it is important to label the numerator and denominator clearly and double-check the calculation.


Example 1: Suppose you want to find out what percentage of employees in a company are female. If the number of female employees is 20 and the total number of employees is 100, the fraction is 20/100. If this fraction is mistakenly calculated as 100/20, the result would be incorrect. The correct calculation is (20/100) × 100 = 20% while the incorrect calculation would be (100/20) × 100 = 500%.


Example 2: Suppose you want to find out what percentage of a pizza is pepperoni. If a pizza has 12 slices and 4 of them have pepperoni, the fraction is 4/12. If this fraction is mistakenly calculated as 12/4, the result would be incorrect. The correct calculation is (4/12) × 100 = 33.33% while the incorrect calculation would be (12/4) × 100 = 300%.


Example 3: Suppose you want to find out what percentage of a sports team's wins are attributed to a particular player. If the team has won 20 games and the player has contributed to 8 of these wins, the fraction is 8/20. If this fraction is mistakenly calculated as 20/8, the result would be incorrect. The correct calculation is (8/20) × 100 = 40% while the incorrect calculation would be (20/8) × 100 = 250%.


Forgetting to multiply by 100: 


Another common mistake is forgetting to multiply the fraction by 100 to convert it to a percentage. To avoid this, it is important to follow the formula accurately.


If the fraction is 1/4 and it is calculated without multiplying by 100, the result would be incorrect. The correct calculation is (1/4) × 100 = 25% while the incorrect calculation would be 1/4 = 0.25.


Example 1: Suppose you want to find out what percentage of a company's sales are from a particular product. If the company has made $1 million in sales and $200,000 of that is from the product, the fraction is 200,000/1,000,000. If this fraction is calculated without multiplying by 100, the result would be incorrect. The correct calculation is (200,000/1,000,000) × 100 = 20% while the incorrect calculation would be 200,000/1,000,000 = 0.2.


Example 2: Suppose you want to find out what percentage of a school's students are from a particular country. If the school has 1,000 students and 200 of them are from the country, the fraction is 200/1,000. If this fraction is calculated without multiplying by 100, the result would be incorrect. The correct calculation is (200/1,000) × 100 = 20% while the incorrect calculation would be 200/1,000 = 0.2.


Example 3: Suppose you want to find out what percentage of a store's profits are from a particular product. If the store has made $10,000 in profits and $3,000 of that is from the product, the fraction is 3,000/10,000. If this fraction is calculated without multiplying by 100, the result would be incorrect. The correct calculation is (3,000/10,000) × 100 = 30% while the incorrect calculation would be 3,000/10,000 = 0.3.


Incorrect decimal to percentage conversion:


 When the fraction is expressed as a decimal, it is important to multiply the decimal by 100 and add the percentage symbol. Some people may forget to multiply by 100 or add the percentage symbol, leading to incorrect results.


If the fraction is 1/4 and it is expressed as a decimal, 0.25, and then converted to a percentage, it is important to multiply by 100 and add the percentage symbol. The correct calculation is 0.25 × 100 = 25% while the incorrect calculation would be 0.25 or 25 (without the percentage symbol).


Example 1: Suppose you want to find out what percentage of a company's expenses are on marketing. If the company has spent $100,000 on expenses and $25,000 of that is on marketing, the fraction is 25,000/100,000. Expressed as a decimal, this fraction is 0.25. If this decimal is then converted to a percentage without multiplying by 100 and adding the percentage symbol, the result would be incorrect. The correct calculation is 0.25 × 100 = 25% while the incorrect calculation would be 0.25 or 25.


These are a few examples of common traps and errors in calculating the fraction to percent formula. To avoid these errors, it is important to follow the formula accurately and double-check the calculation.


Example 2: Suppose you want to find out what percentage of a city's population is under the age of 18. If the city has a population of 100,000 and 20,000 of them are under the age of 18, the fraction is 20,000/100,000. Expressed as a decimal, this fraction is 0.2. If this decimal is then converted to a percentage without multiplying by 100 and adding the percentage symbol, the result would be incorrect. The correct calculation is 0.2 × 100 = 20% while the incorrect calculation would be 0.2 or 20.


Example 3: Suppose you want to find out what percentage of a country's land area is covered by forests. If the country has a total land area of 1 million square kilometers and 200,000 of that is covered by forests, the fraction is 200,000/1,000,000. Expressed as a decimal, this fraction is 0.2. If this decimal is then converted to a percentage without multiplying by 100 and adding the percentage symbol, the result would be incorrect. The correct calculation is 0.2 × 100 = 20% while the incorrect calculation would be 0.2 or 20.


Applying Fraction to Percentage Formula in Various Scenarios


Construction Industry: 


A building has 10 tasks in total to be completed. So far, 7 tasks have been completed. What is the percentage of the building that has been completed?




  • Percentage completed = (number of completed tasks / total number of tasks) * 100
  • Percentage completed = (7 / 10) * 100
  • Percentage completed = 70%
  • So, 70% of the building has been completed.


Finance Industry 


An investor invests $1000 and the final value of their investment is $1200. What is the percentage return on the investment?




  • Percentage return = (final value of investment - initial investment) / initial investment) * 100
  • Percentage return = ($1200 - $1000) / $1000) * 100
  • Percentage return = 20%
  • So, the investor has a 20% return on their investment.


Education Industry 


There were 20 students who took a test and 18 of them passed. What is the percentage of students who passed the test?




  • Percentage of students who passed = (number of students who passed / total number of students who took the test) * 100
  • Percentage of students who passed = (18 / 20) * 100
  • Percentage of students who passed = 90%
  • So, 90% of the students passed the test.


FAQs Related to the Fraction to Percentage Formula:


1.A salesperson has sold 6 out of 10 products this week. What percentage of products have they sold?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 6/10 to a percentage. 6/10 × 100 = 60%. So, the salesperson has sold 60% of the products this week.


2.A chef has used 3/4 cup of sugar in a recipe. What percentage of a full cup of sugar have they used?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 3/4 cup to a percentage. 3/4 × 100 = 75%. So, the chef has used 75% of a full cup of sugar in the recipe.


3.A teacher has graded 20 out of 30 test papers. What percentage of test papers has the teacher graded?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 20/30 to a percentage. 20/30 × 100 = 66.67...%, which can be rounded to 66.7% or 67%. So, the teacher has graded 67% of the test papers.


4.A contractor has completed 3/4 of a construction project. What percentage of the project have they completed?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 3/4 to a percentage. 3/4 × 100 = 75%. So, the contractor has completed 75% of the construction project.


5.A student has answered 25 out of 50 multiple choice questions correctly. What percentage of questions has the student answered correctly?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 25/50 to a percentage. 25/50 × 100 = 50%. So, the student has answered 50% of the questions correctly.


6.A customer has paid 4/5 of the total bill. What percentage of the total bill have they paid?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 4/5 to a percentage. 4/5 × 100 = 80%. So, the customer has paid 80% of the total bill.


7.A mechanic has repaired 6 out of 8 car parts. What percentage of car parts have they repaired?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 6/8 to a percentage. 6/8 × 100 = 75%. So, the mechanic has repaired 75% of the car parts.


8.A baker has used 1/2 cup of flour in a recipe. What percentage of a full cup of flour have they used?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 1/2 cup to a percentage. 1/2 × 100 = 50%. So, the baker has used 50% of a full cup of flour in the recipe.


9.A teacher has marked 40 out of 60 test papers. What percentage of test papers has the teacher marked?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 40/60 to a percentage. 40/60 × 100 = 66.67...%, which can be rounded to 66.7% or 67%. So, the teacher has marked 67% of the test papers.


10.A contractor has finished 1/3 of a construction project. What percentage of the project have they finished?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 1/3 to a percentage. 1/3 × 100 = 33.33...%, which can be rounded to 33.3% or 33%. So, the contractor has finished 33% of the construction project.


11.A salesperson has sold 10 out of 15 products this week. What percentage of products have they sold?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 10/15 to a percentage. 10/15 × 100 = 66.67...%, which can be rounded to 66.7% or 67%. So, the salesperson has sold 67% of the products this week.


12.A doctor has diagnosed 4/5 of the patients with a certain illness. What percentage of patients has the doctor diagnosed with the illness?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 4/5 to a percentage. 4/5 × 100 = 80%. So, the doctor has diagnosed 80% of the patients with the illness.


13.A cook has used 2/3 cup of sugar in a recipe. What percentage of a full cup of sugar have they used?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 2/3 cup to a percentage. 2/3 × 100 = 66.67...%, which can be rounded to 66.7% or 67%. So, the cook has used 67% of a full cup of sugar in the recipe.


14.A teacher has graded 50 out of 80 test papers. What percentage of test papers has the teacher graded?


Answer: To find the percentage, we need to convert 50/80 to a percentage. 50/80 × 100 = 62.5%. So, the teacher has graded 62.5% of the test papers.


15.A grocery store offers a discount of 25% on a $100 food item. What is the final price of the item after the discount is applied?


Answer: To calculate the discount, we need to multiply the original price by 25% which can be represented as 25/100.

So, the discount would be $100 x 25/100 = $25

The final price of the item would be $100 - $25 = $75


FAQs Related to the Fraction to Percentage Formula:


1.What is the formula for converting a fraction to a percentage?


Answer: The formula is to multiply the fraction by 100 and add the percent sign (%).


2.What is the difference between a fraction and a percentage?


Answer: A fraction represents a part of a whole, while a percentage represents a part of a whole in hundredths.


3.How do you simplify a fraction to its lowest terms before converting it to a percentage?


Answer: To simplify a fraction, divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor until they cannot be divided any further.


4.How do you convert a mixed number to a fraction before converting it to a percentage?


Answer: To convert a mixed number to a fraction, convert the whole number to a fraction by dividing it by 1, and add it to the fractional part.


5.Can a fraction be greater than 1 and still be converted to a percentage?


Answer: Yes, a fraction can be greater than 1 and still be converted to a percentage. However, the percentage would be greater than 100%.


6.How do you convert a fraction to a decimal before converting it to a percentage?


Answer: To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. Then, convert the decimal to a percentage by multiplying it by 100 and adding the percent sign (%).


7.What is a percentage equivalent of 1/2?


Answer: The percentage equivalent of 1/2 is 50%.


8.How do you convert a fraction to a percentage for a word problem?


Answer: To convert a fraction to a percentage for a word problem, identify the fraction in the problem, multiply the fraction by 100, and add the percent sign (%). Then, interpret the answer in the context of the problem.


9.How do you find the percentage increase or decrease of a number?


Answer: To find the percentage increase or decrease of a number, subtract the original number from the new number, divide the difference by the original number, and multiply by 100.


10.Can you convert a percentage to a decimal for the purpose of calculation?


Answer: Yes, you can convert a percentage to a decimal for the purpose of calculation. Divide the percentage by 100 and the result will be the decimal equivalent.