To convert a fraction to a percentage, we need to multiply the fraction by 100. So, to find the percentage of 78/48, we can use the following formula:
Percentage = (Fraction x 100)
Substituting the values, we get:
Percentage = (78/48 x 100)
Simplifying the fraction, we get:
Percentage = (13/8 x 100)
Now, we can multiply the numerator by 100 and divide by the denominator to get the percentage:
Percentage = (1300/8)
Simplifying the fraction, we get:
Percentage = 162.5%
Therefore, 78/48 as a percentage is 162.5%. This means that if we divide 78 by 48 and multiply the result by 100, we get 162.5. So, 78/48 is equivalent to 162.5%.