To convert a fraction to a percentage, we need to multiply it by 100. So, to find the percentage of 30/14, we need to multiply it by 100.
30/14 * 100 = 214.28%
Therefore, 30/14 as a percentage is 214.28%. This means that if we have a whole of 100, then 214.28 parts of it would be represented by 30/14.
To understand this concept better, let's take an example. Suppose we have a pizza that is divided into 14 equal slices. If we take 30 slices out of it, then we have taken 214.28% of the pizza. This is because we have taken more than twice the number of slices that make up the whole pizza.
So, in summary, to find the percentage of a fraction, we need to multiply it by 100. This helps us understand how much of the whole is represented by the given fraction.