Some of the Most Dangerous Aspects of Living in Dallas




Dallas, Texas, has a lot going for it. You can root for the Cowboys or the Mavericks every year. You can also take advantage of the many tech jobs available. You can visit museums, coffee shops, and bars. 


However, Dallas, like every major city, has dangers for residents of which you should be aware. We’ll talk about some of those in the following article. If you’re thinking about moving to this city, or you live there already, you should stay on the lookout for these possible threats.


Car Accidents 


About 38,000 car accidents happen in Dallas yearly, and that number seldom changes too much. Car accidents in the Dallas area might occur for many reasons. 


For instance, you might encounter a drunk driver. With the many bars and watering holes in Dallas, running into someone who overindulged certainly becomes possible, especially when the most popular spots close their doors for the night.


You might encounter a driver who indulged in some other substance instead. You might run into a driver who’s texting on their smartphone instead of paying attention to the road. Distracted driving causes havoc on America’s roads, and that includes in and around Dallas. 


You can’t control what other drivers do, but at least you can drive defensively and avoid any of the behaviors we’ve mentioned. You can play your part in keeping the roads safe when you’re on your way to and from work or some other destination.


Muggings and Other Crimes


Dallas, like all major cities, has crime. It’s not overrun with criminals or anything like that, and if you’re walking around the downtown area in daylight, you should feel safe. You’ll see a police presence and know you can reach out to an officer if you notice anything out of order. 


However, the police can’t catch every criminal. As a big city resident, you should avoid some behaviors that might put you in harm’s way. 


Most importantly, you should know about any dangerous neighborhoods in Dallas and avoid driving or walking through them. Oak Cliff, Far North Dallas, and the South Boulevard-Park Row area see many shootings and carjackings. If you watch where you’re going, especially at night, you can often avoid getting yourself in trouble.


You can also stay in well-lit areas at night whenever possible. Don’t walk down dark alleys or go into deserted lots or other places with no pedestrians or drivers. Crime flourishes when there’s no one around. Staying safe when you’re out and about should become a second instinct for city dwellers.


Bees and Spiders


Dallas also has some animals you should avoid. Sometimes, you might run into swarms of bees. They can live in fields or backyards. Some have underground hives. If you encounter a beehive in your yard, stay away from it. You don’t want to risk a painful sting. You might also contact an exterminator to relocate it if it’s becoming an issue.


Sometimes you’ll even encounter Africanized bees around the Dallas area. They’re much more aggressive than regular bees. As they’re territorial, that’s another situation when you’ll likely want an exterminator to help with relocation. 


You’ll also find some venomous spiders in Dallas, including the brown recluse. Though they’re not aggressive, they will bite if they feel cornered. They often spend time in attics, basements, or woodpiles, so know what they look like and keep an eye out when you’re around their favored hangout spots.


Venomous Snakes


You can run into venomous snakes around Dallas sometimes, too. Of these, you should watch for rattlesnakes most of all. 


They will let you know they’re around with their trademark rattle, but you might also step on one without realizing it, and their powerful bite can leave painful puncture wounds. While their bites don’t often kill a healthy adult, they can potentially do serious damage to a toddler or senior citizen. 


If you live near on the city’s outskirts, you should also know about the cottonmouth and copperhead species. You can find them in the woods and around creeks or dried-up watercourses. They will often blend in with their surroundings perfectly, so watch out as you are walking around. You might step on one and sustain a bite before you even know they’re there.


Other Dangerous Animals


Even if you’re not around any potentially harmful snakes or spiders, Dallas has healthy populations of other pests, some of which can turn vicious if you corner them. You can encounter raccoons, possums, and coyotes in the Dallas area. Any of these three can deliver a nasty bite, and coyotes can become a lot more problematic if they live close to humans and no longer fear them.


If you see any of these animals, avoid them. You can also contact an exterminator if you have any of them coming onto your property and causing trouble. A coyote will sometimes attack a family cat or dog if it's small enough. You don’t want your beloved pet sustaining injuries.


The Heat


The heat in Dallas can get brutal in the summer. It’s often over 100 degrees these days in July and August. However, you can also get scorching days at other times of the year. It’s Texas, and the sun bakes this state mercilessly sometimes.


If you go for a walk, a jog, or a bike ride, make sure to wear sunscreen and an oversized hat to protect your face. You can also avoid going out during the day’s hottest hours. 


If you want to leave the house to exercise, do so right when the sun’s coming up, before it gets too hot. You might also go for a run or a bike ride just before the sun goes down when the day’s heat dissipates.  


Dallas residents who watch out for these various threats should enjoy their time in this thriving, modern city. Just be sure to exercise caution and keep the tips we mentioned in mind as you go about your daily routine.