Is Your Data Center Ready For a Worst Case Scenario?


You do things like locking the doors and storing valuables in a safe, and in doing so, you’re taking steps to prevent unauthorized entry and theft—but what about your data center? Are you ready to meet any potential threat? You know, things like data breaches, cyber-attacks, hardware failures, and other disasters. 


From natural to manmade disasters, your data center is constantly at risk. Ensuring continuous operations means understanding the principles of data resiliency. If you’re unsure what these principles are or need a quick refresher, here’s what you should know.



Basic Principles of Data Resiliency


Even though every business is different, the principles of data resiliency are the same, whether it’s a large corporation or a small mom-and-pop business.



Implement Robust Security Measures


Cybercriminals aren’t only focusing on large corporations, they’re also targeting small businesses. Sometimes, smaller operations present an easier target. Operating budgets tend to be smaller and this means spending less on cybersecurity protocols. Regardless of the business’s size, you don’t want to skimp on cybersecurity.


If you’re not sure where to start, The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has a framework every business can use. You may not need to implement every step of the suggested framework, but it will give you some direction.



Review and Update Your Data Recovery Plan


Chances are that you have a data recovery plan in place, but when’s the last time you gave it a quick review? Technology is constantly changing and your data recovery plan needs to keep up. 


An effective data recovery plan includes precise procedures for backing up vital information. Whether it’s in the cloud or on an external server, all employees should be familiar with the process.


Don’t forget to check the process regularly; testing the recovery plan is the best way to identify any gaps, and this way, you can make any updates and changes before a disaster strikes.



Take Advantage of the Cloud


Cloud-based services are an easy and effective way of ensuring that your data is always safe. Yes, there can be issues with security in the cloud but you can easily eliminate most potential threats. Instead of using a public cloud model, you can go with a private or even a hybrid one. With a private cloud model, you have control over access.


The cloud is also extremely flexible and scalable. You can send as much or as little data as you want to the cloud. Think of the cloud as a virtual server that’s more cost-effective than purchasing the additional hardware.



Always Have a Backup Solution


Yes, we’re back to talking about the cloud and other backup solutions. Why is this so important in data resiliency? The answer is simple: if you’re not backing up your data you’re at a constant risk of losing it.


Cloud storage is always a great option to go with, and you can also backup your data on an external server not connected to your commonly used network. You can also go old-school and invest in some inexpensive magnetic tape. Believe it or not, magnetic tape is still an effective way of storing data.


Getting your data center ready for a disaster isn’t a suggestion. This is a vital step towards ensuring your business operations aren’t affected if a disaster occurs.