Benefits of Getting Rid Of Duplicate Data



Data duplication can happen accidentally or intentionally. Multiple users can accidentally store the same data in the system. You may need to duplicate data to make it easier for multiple people to access the information. 


Whatever the reason, before long the duplicate data can get out of hand. Suddenly, you’re running out of storage space and productivity is being affected. Thankfully, there are methods for cleaning out duplicate data. You can find a method to clean duplicate data off of any system. If you’re wondering if deduplicating data is worth the effort, here’s a look at some of the benefits.


Reduce Storage Space Needs and Costs


You may start with only a couple of rows or columns of duplicated data. No worries, right? You have plenty of storage space. Did you know even the cloud has limited storage space? This limit refers to the amount of storage space you can use for your data and not the cloud in general. The cloud is virtually limitless, just not the storage space you purchase.


An option is always to purchase more storage space. You have plenty of storage options. You can increase the amount of storage space in your cloud account or purchase additional equipment like servers. Neither option is exactly cheap and this can impact your operating budget. 


You may need to divert funds from other projects to cover your data storage needs. Simply cleaning out your duplicate data can easily resolve this issue.


Improve the Effectiveness of Your Marketing Strategies


Most marketing campaigns include emailing current and potential customers. Your emails update your customers on sales and other events, illicit feedback, and give consumers rewards like points to use towards a purchase or a coupon for a favorite item.


While email campaigns can be extremely effective at helping to boost sales, your duplicate data may be affecting your efforts.To prevent this, use a DMARC verification tool to ensure proper email authentication, improving deliverability and reducing issues with duplicate data.


For example, you have duplicate copies of a customer’s name, email address, and buying preferences. If you don’t have a system that can recognize duplicate data, you’re probably sending the same customer duplicate emails. Not only are you wasting the customer’s time, but also your employees. If you rely on a third party for your email campaign needs, you may be overpaying for their services.


An easy way to keep marketing costs down and avoid sending consumers duplicate emails is by eliminating any duplicated data.


Boost the Performance of Your Business Application


Are you familiar with latency speeds? If you’re an avid gamer, the answer is probably yes. Latency speed refers to the amount of time it takes for an app to respond to a command. An example can be simply opening the app. You expect the app to open in milliseconds, not in minutes.


Did you know duplicate data can impact latency speeds? When the same piece of data is continuously being accessed, the storage devices’ read function is triggered. If only one user is accessing the data, there shouldn’t be any issues with latency speeds. However, this quickly changes when multiple users are trying to access the same data from multiple access points.


While you can’t exactly confuse an app, you can slow it down while it tries to respond to the various commands. Simply removing duplicate data from an app can do wonders for its latency speed.


Help Ensure You Meet Industry Compliance Standards


Data compliance standards exist across most industries. Some states, like California, also have laws businesses must follow if they use, store, or manage consumer information. In industries, HIPAA is an example of data compliance standards in healthcare. If you’re doing business in Europe, there’s a whole new set of data laws your organization must meet.


Failing to meet these standards can have long-lasting repercussions for your business. You may be hit with a hefty fine. If consumer information is compromised, your brand can take a reputational hit.


Trying to protect single reams of data is challenging. Just imagine the complications when you’re dealing with duplicate data stored on multiple devices. Cleaning out duplicate data is an effective way of helping to ensure you’re meeting industry compliance standards.


Minimize Data Redundancy


When you start deduplicating data stored on multiple servers across your organization, you can significantly improve your applications’ response times. Performance significantly improves performance which in turn boosts efficiency. 


If consumers are also using apps affected by duplicate data, you’re also improving their experience and this often leads to an increase in sales. While removing duplicate data can take some effort, the benefits are worth the little extra work.